◦            Leave bandage on for a minimum of 4 hours but for no longer than 24 hours.

◦            Using clean hands, unwrap the tattoo.

◦            Using clean hands, warm water, and an unscented antibacterial soap, remove any and all products, plasma, blood, and excess ink from the surface of the tattoo.

◦            Pat dry with clean paper towel.

◦            Allow to air dry for a few minutes.

◦            Once dry, using clean hands, apply a very small amount of fragrance-free lotion. Any brand is fine as long as it’s fragrance free.

◦            Repeat these steps 3 times a day for the first five days.

◦            Never allow fresh tattoos to come into contact with pets, saliva, bathroom towels, tight clothing, or anything that could harbor bacteria.

◦            Loose, clean clothing over the tattoo is fine.

◦            Never swim, soak in a bath, or use hot tubs/saunas with a fresh or healing tattoo.


Tattoos generally take 10-21 days to heal fully. They can be red, swollen, and sore for the first couple of days. After the first week, they should tighten and dry, leaving a thin, waxy or flaky layer. Never pick scabs/flakes from your tattoo.